Friday, June 16, 2006


Few of the ignoble wonders of India..

Dustbins on the platforms..brilliant idea….it will be easy for the garbage collectors to make the roads shabby..

Driving on the platforms (Believe me today an auto was driven on the platform, pedestrians on the pavements ran into the nearby shop)

Stopline on the signal is the place where the last vehicle on the signal waits (Waiting for the signal itself is a big deal 4 most of us)

Left or Right anything is right as far as the driver and his vehicle is safe.

You can drive, chat over mobile phone, can smoke as well listen to FM radio ..Everything simultaneously ..(Only in India Indians can do)

Helmet … an instrument to spoil one’s hairstyle (Hairstyle is important than life ..u c..)

Distance Meter in Auto is a vestigial instrument…(c its tough to make the kids understand its purpose)

Road is the best place to learn about life…Life is also full of pits and falls..isnt it?

Spit anywhere, this is a democratic country….

We jus speak and write..But never try to do anythingthat really works…

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


How do sadhus resist most of the temptations in life????

Bcoz they keep on chanting OM OM OM.....and more the no. of OHMS, more is the resistance!!! :-)