Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gods have been brought down from the heavens on to a microchip ..!!

Read an article in,

Does prayer means spending money in the name of GOD????
Cant we silently stand or sit and think about him and can t we offer a small sloka if we think thats going to complete a prayer...

Every temple has a unique way of contruction which conveys lot more than what we consider as worship....

GOD is also a Business Unit now.................

Monday, August 21, 2006

Thaniya okkandhu yosippangaLo...?

Latest Kadi from e-mail....

Prove that...

If tan x = n, then...
Zebra = Horse.


Given: tan x = n..

cancelling 'n' on both sides...we get

tax = 1...

multiplying by horse on both sides, we get

Tax horse = horse

now...most important....

Tax horse in Tamil is Vari kudhirai, which is Zebra in English...


Zebra = Horse...

Therfore LHS = RHS Proved

( Thaniya okkandhu yosippangaLo...? )

Vanara Kula Veeran

Officers in transportation department of TN thought people can undestand the pictorial representation of a man or woman so that they can understand that the seats are supposed to be given to them..
The system didnt work..
Women were(are) standing while men were(are) sitting in the supposed to be given ........................
Later they got some clarity so they started writing in Tamil near the pictorial representation to make them understand....
Now again the system is not working...
Women are standing while men are sitting in the supposed to be given ........................
Is it that men cant read or understand a picture or they are not able to recognize a woman..
Not able to recognize a woman may be a valid argument ..coz a girl may appear like a man at times..
But its not the case always...............
Cant they recognize a 75 years old woman wrapped in a 9 yard saree..who is surely looking like a perfect woman....

Then what s the problem..?????