Friday, May 19, 2006

Evolution of GOD

Always thought of origin of God..Goddess…Supreme Power..Almighty ..Lord….whatever words possible…!

What could have made people believe in them…..?

People generally consider another person a God when one receives an incomparable help or just help at the needy time.

Few people have the natural tendency to be kind and provide helping hand always…
(don’t know how they manage..)When this tendency outgrows the rest..
people start considering him as totally a unique person…slowly moves to worshipping him…ages later the person becomes the ‘Lord’..
I often think Krishna, Jesus , Mary, Rama all fall in this category, who had given helping hand to needy at the moment of need…
If Gandhi was born a couple of centuries ago ..We would have considered him as God…instead of Father….his birth covered with myths.

Is this the only reason we believe in God?

Or we feel that there is something that is beyond our strength and imagination that makes the earth spinning and the galaxies evolve…
Ok..How cud have the galaxies evolved? What could have made them come into picture?
We say there is a force that keeps the galaxies together, planets around their star and moons around their planet. But from where is the force evolved?
Since this is going beyond imagination, this unimaginable thing we started calling as God?
So now why do we have different forms of God?
Particularly, the gender orientation.
Can’t we consider them as a supreme force that is beyond such discretion?
I am not an atheist, still why do we build so many temples?

I feel we have enough number of temples of all sizes and shapes shattered from platforms to house gates to mountains to plains to desert to inside water a place ..U can find a sort of temple there…
We not only insult the deity but also the tradition of worship.
We see platform temples, the idol is placed on the floor, and hundreds of crows sit, all the traffic smoke and dust settle on the idol.
I have heard Cleanliness is next to Godliness, but God itself becomes unclean here.

Enough the topic has become totally incoherent….like my belief …..
Probably needs a clean-up..!


VJ said...

"Enough the topic has become totally my belief" Are we talking about the belief in GOD?

Vanthiyath Thevan said...

ya..I started with my belief in GOD..